Pixels Anyone? owners "lose it" on the air...
Seems Joe and Mable are plotting a takeover. At least that's what I heard from their compatriot, the Irish bartender turned announcer.
Mable has created this silly jingle... and somehow there are clues to the takeover.
Give it a listen and see if it makes any sense to you.
As for me, well, you know I'm in this thing too... so I guess I'll be working more with Joe and Mable than Phil and Jane... gonna be a hilarious ride for sure.
Here's how you get front row seats for all the shenanigans... go to PixelsAnyone.com and order up a block or more of pixels. Draw up your favorite icon, and attach your best slogan.
Jane and Phil are "packing the house" for tons of laughs and thousands of eyeballs on your little icons.
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